Singing Guide: La Strada

Singing Guide: La Strada

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

La Strada was a gifted yet tragic Italian singer whose soaring vocals and poignant lyrics continue to inspire music lovers across generations. Her unique singing style blended elements of opera, folk, and traditional Italian music, culminating in a sound that was both hauntingly beautiful and emotionally powerful. In this article, we'll explore La Strada's vocal technique, the secrets to her emotional expressiveness, and provide practical advice on how to learn to sing like her.

La Strada's Vocal Technique:

One of the striking aspects of La Strada's singing was her use of vibrato. A vibrato is a slight, rapid variation in pitch. La Strada would use an intense vibrato at the end of phrases, giving her singing a quivering, almost weeping quality. She also had fantastic breath control and would use subtle dynamics to great effect. Her voice was light, agile, and ethereal, and had a highly emotive quality that was singularly hers.


La Strada's songs often had a nostalgic, melancholic quality with lyrics that evoked memories of times gone by. Her signature song "Addio del passato" showcased her range and control while conveying deep emotions. Another great example is "Era di Maggio" which highlights her use of vibrato and emotional expressiveness.

How to Sing Like La Strada:

To sing like La Strada, you'll need to develop a few key skills. First, focus on breath control and vibrato. Learning how to use your diaphragm to support your singing and developing your vibrato technique will allow you to add beautiful texture to your voice. Second, work on your dynamics to convey an emotional depth to your singing. Third, practice enunciating words precisely, just as La Strada was known to do, to ensure that the lyrics of your songs are clear and impactful.

Singing Carrots Resources:

Singing Carrots offers an array of tools and exercises to help you develop these skills and learn to sing like La Strada. The vocal range test, pitch accuracy test, and pitch monitor will help you identify your range and work on your pitch. The pitch training exercises and song search feature will help you refine your dynamic control and choose songs that highlight your vocal range and emotional expressiveness. The educational singing course and informative articles will provide you with valuable lessons and tips on developing your singing technique.

Singing like La Strada takes practice and dedication, but with the right resources and mindset, you can develop the skills necessary to achieve her emotional expressiveness and hauntingly beautiful sound.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.